Merry Christmas 2015 :)
Recently I am busy with my new born baby and we just celebrated her 100 days of birth on 23 Dec. This year's Christmas is my first year being a Dad. I feel the warmth from my family, the joy from my daughter. Thank You God!I made a simple Christmas card app last year and is still using it to send greetings card to friends and family this year. I think just use a little bit of time to send greetings is worth as it keeps long term and good relationships with others. You may try my app or search other greeting cards apps in online app store. For my app, please download at:
OpenCV also arouse my interest recently. It is a programming library to deal with Computer Vision. I try to make some simple test programs with it and C++. I hope I can come out with an interesting program or app to share with you in future :)