2013年12月13日 星期五

Stock StopLoss App Finally Come Out!

After 8 months of struggle, lazy, hard work, confused, frustrated, and happily...the Stock StopLoss finally came out!! Special thanks to my family and girl friend Janice who always support me and give advice to me both in the app design and handling jobs matters. : )

Stock StopLoss App
Stock StopLoss App is designed for managing your investment portfolio with stocks. There are 3 main functions, News Reading, Stock Monitoring and Reporting.

Stock Monitoring:
First, create your investment portfolio with the "Add Stock" function. Search the stock and input related buy date, buy price, qty and stop loss info, etc. Continue to add stocks and they will be added to the Report list.

Stock Reporting:
View the performance of the portfolio in the "Report" function.
When the portfolio is made, you may go to "Settings" to set the reporting schedule, alert setting for reaching gain or loss, etc.

News Reading:
Links to stock and financial news in USA, UK, Chinese, HK and Japan.

Source of Quote: YAHOO API
Delay of Quote: Quotes are dealyed at least 15 min.

Reminder of Use:

1. Do not add stocks from different countries (different currencies) into same portfolio, otherwise the total gain or loss will be wrong. The correct way is to create differrent portfolio to hold stocks from different currencies.
2. Be reminded that quote is delayed at least 15 mins.
3. If you cannot receive email report from stock stoploss, probably it is being classified as spam by your email service provider. Try to search it in your spam email and re-classifiy as non-spam mail.

2013年9月30日 星期一

Struggling for Stop Loss App (Sep-Oct 2013)

Stop Loss App is still in progress. I target to finish it in Oct 2013. Some major techinical issues have been done but there are still some outstanding issues need to be programmed and fixed.

Meanwhile, I am looking into HTML5 standard and plan to start programming a HTML5 web apps after finishing the Stop Loss App.

Wowo, let's have some timetable or time arrangement for programming and play. I mainly do my programming in holidays and weekends. Now is ~25% programming and ~75% play. Let's make it a bit more. If Sat play whole day, Sun need to work full day. While if Sat work half day and play half day, Sunday need to catch up another half day : ) Hope it can be worked out...

2013年8月31日 星期六

Progress on Stop Loss App

I am still programming the Stop Loss App. There are still some major issues need to do like report layout design, localization settings, financial news feed, etc. I think I need one or two more months to complete it. Here is the new icon I designed for it. : )

2013年7月3日 星期三

Project for Jun - Aug 2013

My health is not quite good for Jun and I stopped taking the electronic class to take more rest. From Jun, I started a new android project which called "Stop Loss App" which is a financial app to keep track of self purchased stocks and can set stop loss (stop gain) to remind oneself when the target price is reached.

The progress is slow as I felt unfamiliar with Android programming as I left it for some time and the programming sense also seems delayed and stupid. I hope the situation will change better for later times.

Recently, I cashed out US$90 from the apps income. Although it is small in amount and I accumulated for 1 year. It encourages me for the hope that app programming will one day bring enough income for me.

Also, I found besides programming, I need to pay more attention to apps marketing and choosing the apps advertising agent. They directly affect the download volume and thus the income from the apps.

2013年4月30日 星期二

Simple Compass App is Ready for Download

Sorry for late update. I am busy studying a electronic class and building simple circuits recently. All those electronic components are very interesting with their own personalities and functions like resistor, capacitor, diode, transistor, LED. It is fascinating that the combined components can do so many different tasks.


Back to the app development : ), the Simple Compass App is ready at Google Play for download:

It is a simple compass with the electromagnetic field strength displayed. The background electromagnetic field strength around us should be ~40 - 60 uT. If it exceeds that range, the compass app will probably not functioning correctly. Besides, the app provide some educational information regarding electromagnetism on the Earth.

2013年2月27日 星期三

Project for Feb - Mar 2013

I am interested in Physics phenomena recently, especially in magnetic field, electricity and energy conversion. I am working on a Simple Compass App for Feb - Mar 2013. There are a series of sensor for android phones such as magnetic field, gyroscope, gravity, etc. For detail description, please refer to Sensors Overview.

Besides that, I would like to build up a simple physical model  for experiencing energy conversion. Let's see if I can make it and post it here to show you: ) ...

2013年1月28日 星期一

Where Are You, the Idea?

After the Kids Drag Game, I was taking a short break in creating Android apps and was looking for good ideas to code for... But unluckily, not much interesting insights come to me. T_T

I was going out with my girl friend and little scooter during this short break. It is relaxing : ) I will come to the World of Android Apps Design in Feb again... though the theme is still not fixed and clear yet. I would like to make an app to help solve problems people face...still no idea of what it is ... Idea, please come!!