Stock StopLoss App
Stock StopLoss App is designed for managing your investment portfolio with stocks. There are 3 main functions, News Reading, Stock Monitoring and Reporting.
Stock Monitoring:
First, create your investment portfolio with the "Add Stock" function. Search the stock and input related buy date, buy price, qty and stop loss info, etc. Continue to add stocks and they will be added to the Report list.
Stock Reporting:
View the performance of the portfolio in the "Report" function.
When the portfolio is made, you may go to "Settings" to set the reporting schedule, alert setting for reaching gain or loss, etc.
News Reading:
Links to stock and financial news in USA, UK, Chinese, HK and Japan.
Source of Quote: YAHOO API
Delay of Quote: Quotes are dealyed at least 15 min.
Reminder of Use:
1. Do not add stocks from different countries (different currencies) into same portfolio, otherwise the total gain or loss will be wrong. The correct way is to create differrent portfolio to hold stocks from different currencies.
2. Be reminded that quote is delayed at least 15 mins.
3. If you cannot receive email report from stock stoploss, probably it is being classified as spam by your email service provider. Try to search it in your spam email and re-classifiy as non-spam mail.